Residhome Paris Guyancourt de Guyancourt

FranceResidhome Paris Guyancourt


pas d'information

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6, Boulevard du Château, 78280, Guyancourt, Yvelines, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 1 30 03 03 03
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.7750803, Longitude: 2.0717682

commentaires 5

  • George Thaliath

    George Thaliath


    On a Business trip to TCR? The best place to stay. Decent serviced apartments in close proximity to TCR, services and grocery store!

  • Nadir Syed

    Nadir Syed


    Nice room with built in kitchen. Unfortunately no bar in the hotel and no mini bar in the room.

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    Martin Hulla


    Good if you search for a room where you can also cook your own food

  • Luigi Gagliardi

    Luigi Gagliardi


    I was there for work, the room was fine and clean when I get in but was not cleaned during my 15 days journey!! The bed was big and comfortable but there was an annoyng noise from two fans going on all the time!!! The breakfast was a small buffet not worthing the 10 euros per day. The staff was kind.

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    Karthik Nagarajan


    If you are looking for a nice and a calm place to stay then this is the place. Large spacious rooms with ample parking space for a reasonable tariff . There is a super market, 3 minutes walk from the hotel and also few restaurants in the same locality. Friendly and professional staff is another plus. The breakfast spread should be improved like the room cleaning frequency. Overall,it is a value for money property

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