Hôtel Mercure Saint Quentin en Yvelines Centre de Montigny-le-Bretonneux

FranceHôtel Mercure Saint Quentin en Yvelines Centre



🕗 horaire

9 place E.F Choiseul Avenue du centre, 78180 Montigny-le-Bretonneux, France
contact téléphone: +33 1 39 30 18 00
site web: www.accorhotels.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.7857344, Longitude: 2.0456022

commentaires 5

  • en

    Guilherme Hoffmann


    Clean but small room. Good for business for few days.

  • en

    cedrick dewulf


    First time in Paris, a littel stressed becuse of the metro for the first time but the staff of the mercure saint quentin hotel make itt all go away. Verry nice people. Friday night dinner @the hotel: not much choise but the things you had was delicious ! Standard room is not big but all the comfort you need en beautiful. Thank you for a verry nice weekend 👍🏻

  • Dan Evans

    Dan Evans


    Very nice place to stay. Great breakfast.

  • en

    Bakian500 Bakian500


    Acceptable but nothing to shout about. No restaurants near by and the hotel restaurant is closed during the weekends. Far from anything - be prepared to spend much $$ on Cabs. But do not use Uber. Most drivers have a hard time finding the place. You get charged anyway, they don't speak english, when they can't find you and you get charged! Good luck trying to get any refund!!

  • Thomas Roux

    Thomas Roux


    It's a four stars hotel.... Really? Located very close to the station, I have to say it is convenient. Other than that... Rooms are small and badly ageing, there's a quite noisy bar very close, doors and wall look cheap. Reception clerks are smily and nice though. The breakfast is okay, with different yogurts, fruit juices and spreads. Not up to the standard of its price.

Lodging la plus proche

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