Montmartre de Paris



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Montmartre, 75018 Paris, France
contact téléphone: +33
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8861929, Longitude: 2.3430895

commentaires 5

  • Kasturi Naresh

    Kasturi Naresh


    It's on the top... A very good architecture here as well.. A peaceful place.. you can find many shops and artists here who can draw our picture at 10 euros..

  • Chowdhury Mohammad Iftesham

    Chowdhury Mohammad Iftesham


    For me walking around in the Montmartre is to enjoy the poetic french history .

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    Deep Gill


    Being in Mont Martre is a great experience in itself.. One can feel the calmness even if one is not very religious. Views of Paris from here are quite splendid

  • J. Frances

    J. Frances


    Our absolute favorite place in Paris. With all the lovely shops, restaurants and of course the Basilica. The wait staff in this part of Paris actually seem to like Americans and are friendly unlike some other parts of Paris!

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    deepak srinivas


    This place makes you feel like you are in heaven. Most beautiful and breathtaking sceneries the moment you climb to the top with mild breeze making you forget the fatigue. The place is so unreal it feels as if it s too good to be true. The place where all artists do their art is mesmerizing. Got a portrait of me and my wife, do get one when your there. My words probably do only 10% justice to what the place actually is.

Un aspect naturel la plus proche

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