Île Saint-Louis de Paris

FranceÎle Saint-Louis


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Île Saint-Louis, 75004 Paris, France
contact téléphone: +33
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Latitude: 48.8515572, Longitude: 2.3574207

commentaires 5

  • Mirror Miroir

    Mirror Miroir


    How not to get conned by restaurants in le Marais. Housed in old buildings, they may look authentic, but the sign of traps are: 1) No sticker of bar license on the front: Bar-restaurants in Paris must pay for the red and blue plate with the roman number IV. There is a legal loop hole around it, but the ones with the license have a better collection of wines that are more honestly priced than those restaurant without. 2) Opening hours not indicated clearly: It is not very known but the restaurants in Paris are obliged to stop making any noise after 22:30. An expensive license is required to open later, thus those dodgy ones without the license tend to announce their late closing time on their homepages, but not on the front of the restaurant in hope to avoid inspection. Sometimes you will see policemen walking in after some neighbors reported the illegal hours’ activities. The exceptions are the ones with the license to operate 'Service Continue.' They are legally allowed to operate non-stop and it states clearly so on their facade. 4) You will see many recommendation stickers from local critics on the restaurants, but locals know which restaurants acquired recommendation through connection. Despite the sour grape criticism by its competitors, Michelin is still the revered food guidance because their reviewers dine anonymously and check the facilities. Decent eateries rent the floor above so as to shield the neighbors from their noise. Such consideration will be extended to the clients as well. 5) I'd be suspicious of 5 stars reviews written in French, the lovers of criticism. The French generally would not give higher than 3.5. 6) Locals go to the ones that offer lunch menu for under 16 euros for either entry + main, or main+ desert. Any higher is audacious, to think that outside le Marais you can lunch from 18 euros at Michelin starred restaurants. The ones that offer ‘Service Continu’ must charge more for hiring staffs for longer hours. Good ones are trusted by Berthillon to serve their legendary ice cream for dessert. 6) For fusion food, go to more competitive areas like the rising 11th or the 1st district where stars are. Japanese chefs are in demand in Paris, which attracts both the gem and the pebbles. The gem chefs that offer a great marriage of French and Japanese food are in the 16th district (where a large Japanese community is) and the creative 5th district. FOR YOUR INFORMATION THAT MAY SPARE YOU OF BAD EXPERIENCE, I here list the places I actually have repeatedly paid to dine myself. CHEZ MADEMOISELLE at 16 rue Charlemagne, 75004: A local hangout behind the Villa Saint Paul where it is serene and historic. Their 16 euros Lunch menu includes seasonal dish like rabbit, the lapin dishes. RAINETTES at 5 Rue Caron, 75004. An eatery mentioned on the Michelin site. Ethical with the Bar license, kitchen in their basement so as not to annoy the neighbors with noise. The locals swear by their 16 euros 2-courses lunch menu. LE TEMPS DES CERISES at 31 rue de la Cerises 75004. A bistro oozing with Parisian ambiance and history. French comfort food with a slight modern twist to entice regulars. L' AUBERGE DES DEUX PONTS at 7 rue de 2 ponts on the island of Ils St. Louis. For 18.50 E you will get a steak with generous portions of fois gras and the dessert to die for, custard cream with sugar caramelized by the chef at the table before your eyes. PAMELA POPO at 15 rue Francois Miron, 75004. The properties near Hotel de Ville receive subsidy for their residential tax. Thus the restaurants nearby can use high quality ingredients without passing the expenses onto their clients. The savvy locals flock to the eateries in this small pocket of Paris. This blue restaurant next to the historical old house is a stand out of such gems. VINGT VINS D'ART 16 rue de Jouy, 75004. Always packed with local Japanese clients who trust the hygiene state of their raw cuisine and tasty French food with a Japanese twist. The only Japanese chef eatery I would recommend in 75004 district.

  • fr

    Isa ISA


    Une escale étrange. Hors du temps. J'ai adoré

  • en

    Elvira Lazarova


    Cruises on the river

  • Cicero Zandona

    Cicero Zandona


    Historical place. Very nice to walk.

  • S P

    S P


    Beautiful & unique island in the middle of the Seine River in Paris. Nothing like it.

Un aspect naturel la plus proche

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