Hôtel Gallia Grenoble de Grenoble

FranceHôtel Gallia Grenoble


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

7, Boulevard Maréchal Joffre, 38000, Grenoble, Isère, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 4 76 87 39 21
site web: www.hotel-gallia.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.1829871, Longitude: 5.7302949

commentaires 5

  • Chiara Betti

    Chiara Betti


    the room smelt of cigarette smoke and it wasn't properly noise-insulated. Very small bed, uncomfortable for adults.

  • Mappet Walker

    Mappet Walker


    Room was clean and comfortable. Good value for money. Great location. Area of improvement, the bath water in the second room was not hot enough.

  • Alfred Busquets

    Alfred Busquets


    The hotel is correct but in my opinion need to be updated. We had a non smoking room with an strog smoke smelling and due to that the parfum to dissimulate it.

  • Ricardo Soares Ribolli

    Ricardo Soares Ribolli


    The WiFi is great, the accomodations were good and the people there are very nice and have received me very well!

  • en

    michael arvanitis


    Please for God's sake fire the maids and hire some new ones more effective for cleaning the rooms

Lodging la plus proche

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