Touring Hôtel ★★ de Grenoble

FranceTouring Hôtel ★★


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🕗 horaire

26, Avenue Alsace Lorraine, 38000, Grenoble, Isère, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 4 76 46 24 32
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.1897128, Longitude: 5.7199046

commentaires 5

  • Aymane Souani

    Aymane Souani


    Très bon hôtel pour y rester un séjour de moins d'une semaine ( un petit peu cher ).

  • Fatima Roma

    Fatima Roma


    Everything is really bad

  • Simon Mawby

    Simon Mawby


    The Touring Hotel is friendly, comfortable, inexpensive and a centrally-located, within easy walking distance of the station. The only downside, if you mind that kind of thing, is that the decoration is hilariously dated, with threadbare carpets in the stairways and old, typed (with a typewriter) signs on yellowing card on the landings. They have spent money to upgrade the beds and plumbing, but they haven't got yet around to redecorating the stairs and hallways. Some parts of the decoration are beautiful. Skip the tiny lift, and take the stairs, or you will miss the stained glass between the ground and first floors. I thought it was great - it reminded me of the film "Grand Hotel Budapest" - but it's probably not to everyone's taste.

  • it

    Alessandro Fraire


    Albergo un po' retrò, camera ordinata e pulita con televisore (la mia al quinto piano). Vicino al centro, fermata tram davanti all'hotel. Se si è fortunati si può trovare parcheggio lungo la strada. Colazione abbondante (non inclusa). Consigliato.

  • en

    Nicolas Bouche


    Room stinks with old carpet, moldy walls, moldy shower curtain, original(!) sheets. Had to leave.

Lodging la plus proche

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