Hilton Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport de Roissy-en-France

FranceHilton Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

Rue de Rome, 95708, Roissy-en-France, Seine-Saint-Denis, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 1 49 19 77 77
site web: www3.hilton.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.0099951, Longitude: 2.5580377

commentaires 5

  • en

    Alex Anderson


    All I have to say is.... typical Hilton which charges high prices for everything. Staff though is amazing. Pricing strayegy is vampirish.

  • en



    This hotel has definitely seen better days. There was cigarette smell in our room and the air conditioning didn't work so that the room temperature was unpleasently hot. Unfortunately there was also no possibility to open the window. The furniture seems outdated.

  • Paige Evans

    Paige Evans


    I typically enjoy staying at Hilton hotels but unfortunately this one doesn’t even close come to the standards I’m used to seeing. The rooms seem a bit outdated and the elevator was screeching on the way up. My rooms had a funny smell and one of the curtains did not close all the way allowing light to come into the room all evening. Additionally, I had access to the executive lounge where I had a small but fine makeshift dinner. I went to grab a Diet Coke on my way out, as I did all week long at my stay at a fabulous Hilton in the center of Paris, as I went to leave one of the workers would not allow me to take it with me. This seemed ridiculous because I was going to consume that drink either downstairs or in my room. I was outraged that I wasn’t allowed to take a simple drink with me. This man was very rude and clearly does understand customer service. I fly frequently but will not use this hotel again.

  • Camila Geisel

    Camila Geisel


    My stay at the Hilton Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport was pleasant. The location was ok, one train to Paris but sometimes the direct route was closed. The room was a good size and the service was good. Everyone was nice and helpful. One of the elevators was making noise so that could be improved.

  • Laiyee Reters

    Laiyee Reters


    Feels like l travelled back to the late 70s early 80s as soon as l walked into the lobby. Elevators are loud, making all kinds of noises while going up and down. Rooms are ok, good size but very dated, carpet feels dirty. Good size bathroom but the water temp of the shower fluctuate constantly while showering. Room is not well insulated, we can hear people talking or walking by in the hallway and the room next to us. Love the swimming pool.

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