Gare de Bercy i Paris

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FrankrigGare de Bercy



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48 bis, Boulevard de Bercy, 75012, Paris, Paris, FR France
kontakter telefon: +33 892 35 35 35
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Latitude: 48.8391467, Longitude: 2.3827662

kommentar 5

  • Carlos Albarran

    Carlos Albarran


    Very nice Station. a lot of chairs.. you have to pay 0.70 € if you wanna go to the toilet. free Wi-Fi.. several charging points, so don't worry abt your phone or laptop.

  • en

    Amin Jalali


    Really bad experience especially if you come first thing in the morning. No one at the station to help. Toilet is 70 cent but is closed without any signs

  • Thomas LoCurto

    Thomas LoCurto


    This is the Bercy TRAIN Station- "Paris - Bercy", as opposed to the Bercy metro station which is across the way, about a 200 meter walk. This is the place you want to go if you have a train to catch at Bercy. As the name suggests, the station is for trains heading towards Bourgogne and the Pays d'Auvergne. It is also the departure point for trains heading to Italy. The station is quite small for the amount of people that pass through it, and there really isn't much seating at all, nor are there many services. The good thing about it is the free wifi. Because of the lack of seating, I'd recommend not arriving for your train TOO early, 20-30 minutes, max.

  • Lyam Mosnier

    Lyam Mosnier


    I took the metro here to go to gare du montargis!

  • Julian Jones

    Julian Jones


    An inexpensive functional overflow station from Gare de Lyon serving the same tracks to the South-East. A helpful convenience store (when I was last there in 2011) but not much else in the way of facilities. If you walk round the block outside there are some restaurants with different nationalities, I like the nearby Italian one best. Metro stop is a short walk away and not that well signed so make sure you know what you're looking for and where you're going from Google if you have a short connection.

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