Gare Magenta i Paris

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FrankrigGare Magenta


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🕗 åbningstider

75010 Paris, France
kontakter telefon: +33
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 48.8798846, Longitude: 2.3583612

kommentar 5

  • S օ ʍ ɑ ӏ í L í ѵ ҽ

    S օ ʍ ɑ ӏ í L í ѵ ҽ


    Great Meganta

  • Nathalie BIELEU

    Nathalie BIELEU


    bien je préfère Magenta de loin à gare du nord correspondance rapide RER E saint Lazare.

  • en

    Jessica Kelly


    Taxi Scam: Travellers (especially solo females) be careful of official-looking men in suits near the taxi que who tell you that the taxi line only goes to the airport. These men are scammers (trying to take you downstairs to a more expensive option) but of course the taxis will take you anywhere in the city- not just the airport. The men appear very confident, dressed in suits, with lanyards.They sometimes target people (especially females alone) already standing in the taxi que and try and convince them to leave it. Please stand your ground & do not follow the men downstairs. The taxis will of course take you anywhere in the city- not just the airport.

  • K. John

    K. John


    Très grande gare où l'on peut se perdre facilement la toute première fois. On peut y trouver quasiment tout les moyens de transports disponibles pour Paris.

  • Pranab Bhattacharjee

    Pranab Bhattacharjee


    Great experience in this station what I never forget.

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