Val d'Europe de Serris

FranceVal d'Europe


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77700 Serris, France
contact téléphone: +33
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8556974, Longitude: 2.7739021

commentaires 5

  • en

    diamoneka sylvain



  • en

    Veton Spahiu


    Its HUGE. A very big commercial centre. There’s even an Apple store there.

  • Rex Lo

    Rex Lo


    Beware of peoples, who pretened station staff, ask for checking your tickets, and force u to buy a $50 euro tickets for a one stop $0.75 euro tickets, dun trust anyone who actively speak to you at the station

  • Delowar Khan

    Delowar Khan


    Beware of the thieves!!! A group of young girls (18-25yrs) started helping with the buggy to get on the train... which we clearly needed no help with as it was all one level and no gaps between platform and carriage... 1 girl distracted us by showing the map of a different station... we could not understand her and got confused. Another 2/3 girls stood by me and emptied the contents in my pockets... they did it so cleverly the train was clear our access should have been easy but they made it difficult to get passed the train doors. I felt them too close as they walked off i realised i was robbed!!! Disgusted by the lack of security and police... none were seen!!! Two stops later another man started following us... we realised he looked suspicious so we stood still and he stayed nearby.... still no police or security in sight, so we found another tourist who helped us. We are frequent travellers with kids and have never felt soo unsafe and scared. This Ruined a good trip to Disneyland, we were left shaken so we cancelled all other plans in Paris and returned home!!!.

  • Pauli Engblom

    Pauli Engblom


    The small grocery store at the station could be better

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