Tuileries Garden de Paris

FranceTuileries Garden



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113, Rue de Rivoli, 75001, Paris, Paris, FR France
contact téléphone: +33
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plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8634916, Longitude: 2.3274943

commentaires 5

  • George Scerri Montaldo

    George Scerri Montaldo


    Very nice place to have a picnic. One may also bring a little chair, as all the places to sit down are usually taken. If one takes a chair, they may also have a tan, if the day is sunny. Very nice to have a walk around and view a little bit of Paris. There are places to sit on the stairs. There are also fountains, which are nice to see.

  • en

    Anton Popescu


    It's a garden. Not very big, not spectacular. Between the Louvre and Place de la Concorde. Very welcome in sunny, hot days to take a break from visiting monuments and museums and a place to enjoy in the shadow a quick bite, whether brought in your bag or bought at the nearby booths.

  • Sabri Hassan

    Sabri Hassan


    Awesome park with nice Paris skyline view. There's a lot of activities but not too crowded. Recommended to visit in the evening as you can see the Eiffel Tower being lit up and the new Paris Flyer.

  • Gary Jelks

    Gary Jelks


    The walk through the gardens was great. Busy but not crowded. Safe. Plenty to see and do. We walked from the Louvre Al the way to the Champs Elysees. It took a while but we'll worth it. Would do it again but not mind summer. It was too hot where there was no shade.

  • Dobrin Gueorguiev

    Dobrin Gueorguiev


    The gardens are very pretty. Even in winter. A perfect place for a stroll. On one end you see the Louvre and the other a giant ferris wheel (Dec 2017). There is a nice cafe on the ground as well which serves tasty hot chocolate to warm you up after a nice cold walk. Well worth the visit/exploration.

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