The François-Mitterrand Library de Paris

FranceThe François-Mitterrand Library



🕗 horaire

Quai François Mauriac, 75706, Paris, Paris, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 1 53 79 59 59
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8335842, Longitude: 2.3757659

commentaires 5

  • Andrew Betts

    Andrew Betts


    Absolutely enormous. Lots of space to sit and work. The beautiful reading rooms are not here though. Photos are misleading.

  • en

    Анна Жиленко


    A very huge building with very kind and helpful people. The majority of them speaks English. The entry is 3.9€, but if you want to work with books you should do the library card and activate it (for 1 day it is 5€, 5 days - 20€, 1 year - 35€). It is possible to make the photos of the books.

  • Bach Nguyen

    Bach Nguyen


    A must visit in Paris. There is group dancing every evening in front of the cinema. Also pretty reasonble movie ticket price. If youre lucky buy children tickets by mistake and talk the guards out to let you in. :D

  • Pedro ble

    Pedro ble


    My favourite library in the world to study, the silence, the iluminación and atmosphere gave me the perfect conditions to conduct my studies. I am in Business, lots of good books and market research available.

  • Jamel Khenfer

    Jamel Khenfer


    One of my favorite places on earth! Amazing architecture for tourists. Amazing place to study for students or work for researchers (I'm a researcher). Lots of restaurants, food trucks, cafés, and bars around, in addition to a Monoprix supermarket and a movie theater.

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