Saint-Paul de Paris



pas d'information

🕗 horaire

Rue Saint-Antoine, 75004, Paris, Paris, FR France
contact téléphone: +33
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8552832, Longitude: 2.3602539

commentaires 5

  • en

    Andrew Flittner


    Great subway station.

  • Véra GAMBA

    Véra GAMBA


    Small space but the area is beautiful. Not one of my preferred subway station. However ideally located to visit Le Marais Rue de Rivoli and Village St Paul

  • Abdulmoti Sheikh Ahmed

    Abdulmoti Sheikh Ahmed


    Nice area, good for walking and sun bathing

  • London Flareon Huntley

    London Flareon Huntley


    Could be better if there wasn't morons loitering near by...

  • stewebabe



    The metro system relatively cheap and easily to navigate once you get the hang of the automated ticket system. It is far better than the rer system where you could get stuck there if you get of at the wrong stop. However the metro was a much better way to travel but the network on the whole needs a upgrade, way to many vagrants loitering around the stations at every station always plan ahead before navigating the subway system to know your exit route because there are many and you could just slip out at one and suddenly be lost .

Station de métro la plus proche

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