Royal Indien de Paris

FranceRoyal Indien



🕗 horaire

4, Rue de la Félicité, 75017, Paris, Paris, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 1 42 27 71 15
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8864894, Longitude: 2.3095367

commentaires 5

  • Foodie Gemm

    Foodie Gemm


    The food was nice but i was kinda disappointed with their lassi.. it was too sweet and it tasted so artificial.

  • Zsolt Nyíri

    Zsolt Nyíri


    It was amazing. Food was delicious. Price was reasonable. Service was more than perfect. They even offered a free digestive.

  • en

    Maliha Talukdar


    One of the bast Indian restaurant in Paris,The food was outstanding. The spices came through in all the meals as sublime, not over or under done and the curries were fantastic. There were eight of us so we were able to taste many things from the menu. I give it five stars for the food.chiken Biryani and lamb Biryani was exelent,exilent services,

  • en

    opu 69


    one of the best Indian restaurant in Paris,, excellent service,, delicious Food in a word AMAZING 👌

  • Irman Febrianto

    Irman Febrianto


    The best Japanese food i've ever had.

Restaurant la plus proche

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