Rennes School of Business de Rennes

FranceRennes School of Business



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2 Rue Robert d'Arbrissel, 35065 Rennes, Frankreich
contact téléphone: +33 2 99 54 63 63
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plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.1280271, Longitude: -1.6927846

commentaires 5

  • Darcy Luo

    Darcy Luo


    I genuinely like most of the experience here. However, the administration of the school is unbearable and brought me too much frustration. I didn’t make my winter session because the administrator made a mistake. My visa application got delay. I always felt the front desk was kind of impolite. I have one friend who could not get her titre de sĂ©jour because the administrator forgot to send out the material for two months. I hardly feel they are accountable. They are everywhere in our student life, especially for international students who don’t know who else could offer the help. I am not saying they only did something bad but never really help. I just hope we could have complain system to point those irresponsible behavior out and make everything smoother.

  • Ustinov 10

    Ustinov 10


    I had very bad experience studying here. They are just interested in pocketing the money from international students .once that is done they have no interest in the welfare of the student. It's an appeal to Indian students please stay away from this school as you won't get any assistance in job search .

  • fr

    Charles Girel


    Cette Ă©cole n'est grande que de nom, Ă  chaque examen c'est le mĂȘme bordel avec l'administration pour rĂ©cupĂ©rer les notes : l'annĂ©e derniĂšre plus de 2 mois d'attente et cette annĂ©e on repart sur les mĂȘmes bases ! Corps professoral bon mais mis plus bas que terre Ă  cause de son administration risible

  • fr

    Jean MICHEL


    Une école privée avec des beaux locaux, une belle documentation, maus devenue une usine, trÚs chÚre pour ce que c'est.

  • en

    Xiaoyi Zheng


    I really like the international atmosphere here. The teachers and students here come from various countries.The cultural collisions from all over the world make me learn a lot~

Université la plus proche

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