P'tit Déj Hôtel - Tours de Saint-Avertin

FranceP'tit Déj Hôtel - Tours



🕗 horaire

30, Rue de la Tuilerie, 37550, Saint-Avertin, Indre-et-Loire, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 2 47 28 58 58
site web: www.ptitdej-hotel-tours.fr
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 47.3685221, Longitude: 0.718126

commentaires 5

  • fr

    Michel Brunet


    Plutôt déçu

  • fr

    Jeremy Déflube


    Nous y avons été pour un séminaire. Ambiance défraichie et vieillote.

  • Lucy Violet

    Lucy Violet


    Very small rooms with no working air conditioning in any of the rooms, which is annoying in 34 degree C heat. Limited facilities, the room next door has no lock on the bathroom, only 1 plug in the bedroom and 1 in the bathroom, even if you are in a room with 3 or 4 others. Went over to the sister restaurant for dinner. Multiple people had raw chicken, bleeding inside, however we could not say much as our French is lacking. Wifi is quite slow Would not stay again, unfortunately. It is situated in a nice area with shops around, but would not recommend the hotel.

  • Anna Fabbri

    Anna Fabbri


    L'ho scelto per spezzare un lungo viaggio. Essenziale e in una zona molto tranquilla, dopo le nove di sera non ho trovato un posto dove mangiare. Check-in e colazione (non inclusa nel prezzo del pernottamento) nell'albergo vicino.

  • James Bensch

    James Bensch


    Loved the city, hated the hotel, it was like a sleezy motel back in North America but at least the ones in Canada have bloody shower curtains, would recommend putting things that need to stay dry against the wall closest to the shower head. The door also didn't even work. You were either locked in or locked out. We had to change rooms for safety reasons.

Lodging la plus proche

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