Prefecture of the Rhone de Lyon

FrancePrefecture of the Rhone



🕗 horaire

106, Rue Pierre Corneille, 69003, Lyon, Rhône, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 4 72 61 60 60
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.7609262, Longitude: 4.8441435

commentaires 5

  • Jandro




  • Lia rodrigues

    Lia rodrigues


    On atend 6 mois pour 1 rdv et l jour on ne laisse pas pousser notre docie

  • en

    Erin Salmon


    Breathtakingly hopeless. Russia and India are laughing at the poor suffering French and their useless bureaucrats. Pity the poor French citizen who suffers under the weight of the second highest taxes in Europe when he turns up at this hallowed institution for the simple task of obtaining a driver's license. A whole day's queue before being told that they aren't doing driver's licenses today. You had a meeting confirmed for over a week? Does it look like I give a damn? Go make another one and be grateful I am not spitting in your eye, puny citizen. Mwuhahahaha!

  • fr

    caner erdem


    honte pour la prefectur du rhon qui incapable de gere une demande une un prolongation de recepice 5 heur de attente il nous anonce quil ni ya plus de tique 140 tiquet par jour et plus de 700 persone qui fait la que .

  • Hady elsahar

    Hady elsahar


    Rude treatment of people as if they were slaves shouting to them in a language that probably they don't understand. The attitude is like: Well you have a problem go back to your country.

Bureau du gouvernement la plus proche

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