Port de l'Arsenal Garden de Paris

FrancePort de l'Arsenal Garden



🕗 horaire

53, Boulevard de la Bastille, 75012, Paris, Paris, FR France
contact téléphone: +33
site web: equipement.paris.fr
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8496913, Longitude: 2.3678933

commentaires 5

  • Hennermann Johannes

    Hennermann Johannes


    Nice little harbor a few steps from the Bastille! Nice walk outside the noise of the city

  • en

    Josette Aguilar Triminio


    Great place to just relax a bit

  • Capt. Gerry Hare

    Capt. Gerry Hare


    The port has everything from landing stages and little boats to a harbour master’s office, gulls, and seafood restaurants. If it wasn't for the Colonne de Juilllet, several hundred metres away at Place de la Bastille, you would almost think this marina was a seaside harbour. Sheltered from the river’s ebb and flow by a lock, the canal basin of this former mercantile port links the River Seine with the Canal Saint-Martin.

  • Blandina Nyilas

    Blandina Nyilas


    Really nice café to have some rest or talk for hours. Waiters are quick and friendly :)

  • Ben Lewis

    Ben Lewis


    A small park, alongside the canal. It's busy in the summer (popular with the locals) and perfect for a little picnic if you're in the area

Parc la plus proche

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