Opéra de Paris



pas d'information

🕗 horaire

10, Place de l'Opéra, 75009, Paris, Paris, FR France
contact téléphone: +33
site web: www.ratp.fr
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8708714, Longitude: 2.3322168

commentaires 5

  • Gerard Buhl

    Gerard Buhl


    grace and beauty define my favorite Parisian monument, covered with all-color marbles and gold, the interior is as beautiful as the exterior ! attend a ballet or visit the place as a museum, the grand staircase, the main concert hall with the painted ceiling by Chagall , definitely worth your trip! free for disabled

  • en

    Jolyon Ashby


    Pretty confusing if you're not used to this station although there is a moving walkway connecting it to Auber. The station is pretty unsavoury with a lot of homelessness on display!

  • T J Tan

    T J Tan


    Probably the most famous opera house in the world.

  • Vicki Lombard

    Vicki Lombard


    Way overly priced for entrance to this beauty. If you don't mind paying the hefty fee, then do yourself a favor. It's beautiful inside, one cannot really explain it into words

  • Ali Hussain

    Ali Hussain


    Great place. Fantastic building. The crowd is great singing and dancing. Beautiful.

Station de métro la plus proche

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