Musée Le Secq des Tournelles de Rouen

FranceMusée Le Secq des Tournelles



🕗 horaire

2, Rue Jacques Villon, 76000, Rouen, Seine-Maritime, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 2 35 71 28 40
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 49.4443392, Longitude: 1.0950811

commentaires 5

  • en

    Nancy Fink


    Outstanding venue for study of iron work and steel design in Rouen.

  • en

    Pierre Cordier


    Interesting place (formely a church), exhibing lots of different objects made of iron.

  • en

    Colleen Canning


    Fun display. No charge to see these crafts through history including locks, medical instruments, household tools , door knockers, tabaco paraphernalia and more

  • Dianne Otwell Speed

    Dianne Otwell Speed


    Beautiful, functional items of high art quality. Lot's of time and love in setting this place up and maintaining the wonderful displays and building. Thanks so much to the folks that offer these places up for our enjoyment!!!

  • en

    Mike McNally


    Fascinating collection of iron and steel objects in an old Gothic church. Admission is free if you have visited the Rouen art museum.

Musée la plus proche

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