Monoprix de Issy-les-Moulineaux




🕗 horaire

57, Rue du Général Leclerc, 92130, Issy-les-Moulineaux, Hauts-de-Seine, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 1 46 44 44 13
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8242, Longitude: 2.274082

commentaires 5




    OK local store. But it tends to be pricey.

  • Marty Opthoff

    Marty Opthoff


    Good supermarket

  • en

    guo wshu


    Loved this Monoprix. Helpful staff and huge selection. The grocery store is downstairs and upstairs has cosmetics, toiletries, clothing, household cleaning supplies, and other miscellaneous items that you might need during your stay. Umbrellas, blankets, towels, sunglasses. The list goes on. They also accept various credit cards including American Express which was super convenient. Would definitely recommend, especially for any tourist staying in Paris for a longer time.

  • Chad Rankin

    Chad Rankin


    Very convenient and not as touristy as other shops in the vicinity. The cashier was also very friendly and understand my Frenglish. Overall a pleasant shopping experience. I would compare it to a Target store in the US.

  • Benjamin Cohen

    Benjamin Cohen


    Best grocery store around - largest food selections, well organized aisles, and have self check-out for quick exit. I wish they had coupon discounts applied on the computer screens as soon as you scan them, not only at the end when it asks for your payment.

Supermarché la plus proche

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