Monoprix de Puteaux




🕗 horaire

2, Place de la Défense, 92800, Puteaux, Hauts-de-Seine, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 1 49 06 46 50
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8926972, Longitude: 2.2386725

commentaires 5

  • en

    Charles Rose


    The shop is clean. There is a lot of people between 12pm an 1:30pm, but since there are some automatic paying system, even if there is 10 people ahead of you on the queue you will not wait longer than 3min,

  • Moi Moii

    Moi Moii



  • Alexandre Werkoff

    Alexandre Werkoff


    Nice selection of snacks, salads and sandwiches. Perfect for a quick meal or relaxed meeting

  • Dinda Faridha

    Dinda Faridha


    Small but nice enough.

  • Lakshmi Jayakumar

    Lakshmi Jayakumar


    Vegetables and fruits sections are good. Meat section is poor. Good selection of all other home supplies.

Supermarché la plus proche

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