Louise Michel de Levallois-Perret

FranceLouise Michel


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92300 Levallois-Perret, France
contact téléphone: +33
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8886811, Longitude: 2.2880531

commentaires 5





  • Ahmed Abou zeid

    Ahmed Abou zeid


    Louise Michel is a station on Paris MĂ©tro Line 3. It is located in the commune of Levallois-Perret, northwest of the capital. Louise Michel was opened on 24 September 1937 when the line was extended from Porte de Champerret to Pont de Levallois – BĂ©con. It was originally called Vallier, after a mountain (2839m) in the Pyrenees near the Val d'Aran. It was renamed on 1 May 1946 to Louise Michel, in honour of the French anarchist and communarde. The Metro station Louise Michel is a hub in the French transport network enabling travellers to reach the region around Levallois-Perret (Hauts-de-Seine, Ile-de-France). This place provides an easy connection to other forms of road transport if necessary.

  • Lucas Silva

    Lucas Silva


    Good project

  • London Flareon Huntley

    London Flareon Huntley


    It's a Great stop, I just think it would be appropriate if they show that the station has elevators or if they put elevators at major transfer points...

  • Yael Luxman-Bahat

    Yael Luxman-Bahat


    This is a nice metro station, mostly clean and usually doesn't have homeless people lurking around it. However, the station is very old fashioned, lacks accessibility and has no elevator. It has a single escalator, but in order to get to it you have to climb up quite a bit of stairs.

Station de métro la plus proche

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