L'Harmonie des Vins de Lyon

FranceL'Harmonie des Vins



🕗 horaire

9, Rue Neuve, 69001, Lyon, Rhône, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 4 72 98 85 59
site web: www.harmoniedesvins.fr
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.7652821, Longitude: 4.8351025

commentaires 5

  • Winnie May Chan

    Winnie May Chan


    L'Harmonie des Vins is a decent wine bar - albeit, not the best I've been to in Lyon, but it's a great place to try out some wines and munch on some shared plates. This place offers a variety of wines produced in France. t's a great place to meet up with a friend or group of friends - the overall ambiance of the restaurant is cozy, comfortable, and less crowded than other wine bars in the city. The staff is friendly and welcoming. I would definitely recommend it to others!

  • Emilie DS

    Emilie DS


    Endroit super. Belle carte de vins, planche apéro avec de bons produits. Cadre très agréable. Le midi, menu/plat du jour vraiment bon. Un service agréable. L'ensemble donnant : Une belle partition ;)

  • Jelena Weinstein

    Jelena Weinstein


    Great! Wine was a bit more expensive than expected but it was well worth it

  • David Breese

    David Breese


    The wine is very good. We ordered by the glass and I was mostly impressed with what was on offer. The food was OK but the service was good and done with excellent humor by our waiter (who was also very good looking) and patience with my high school French.

  • Katerina Thema

    Katerina Thema


    Rich selection of wines, very friendly and helpful staff, great atmosphere.

Magasin d'alcool la plus proche

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