L'Enchanteur bar karaoké de Paris

FranceL'Enchanteur bar karaoké



🕗 horaire

15, Rue Michel-le-Comte, 75003, Paris, Paris, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 1 48 04 02 38
site web: www.bar-karaoke-enchanteur.fr
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8621683, Longitude: 2.3559011

commentaires 5

  • Foodie Gemm

    Foodie Gemm


    Love this tiny place. Definitely coming back!!!

  • Billy Burgess

    Billy Burgess


    The staff were amazing. We planned a surprise party for a friend who got a job promotion. We called a week before, but the staff forgot about when we arrived (which was embarassing). They tried to fix this by being very friendly - but it still ruined all the plannig we did and the surprise we hoped for. All song were available, drinks were cheap and good. Would surely recommend.

  • Ruby Strait

    Ruby Strait


    Great people and environment is fun! Song list is not very extensive, but that isn't a big deal.

  • en

    Collin Frey


    Very good atmosphere. The karaoke downstairs is a lot of fun. Great cocktails.

  • Caio Amaro

    Caio Amaro


    Very evil spirits lurk in this establishment! Definitely a "to flee" situation - after the change of owner, you can only use your mouths to make music if you are "Mon Ami" with the DJ. Skip it! Paris is beautiful and this place is the opposite.

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