Le Vin des Alpes de Grenoble

FranceLe Vin des Alpes



🕗 horaire

8, Rue de Strasbourg, 38000, Grenoble, Isère, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 4 76 43 04 39
site web: levindesalpes.fr
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.1872953, Longitude: 5.7298285

commentaires 5

  • fr

    Nicolas Lfv


    Super endroit. Un choix extraordinaire de vins de l'arc Alpin (de France, d'Italie, de Suisse...). Mais pas uniquement. Des pépites à découvrir à l'aide du caviste qui ne demande qu'à faire découvrir !

  • April Buchanan

    April Buchanan


    Great wines, great advice, English speaking expert caviste!

  • en

    Lisa Trail


    Most incredible experience last night! Great group of people at the wine tasting. I learned so much!! Bravo!

  • en

    Ronald INMAN


    I went to this small shop for suggestions of some good wine to bring back with me to U.S. . I described my taste in wine and was recommended two bottles of naturally made wine which were quite reasonable in price. I have tried both bottles and they are very good bottles of wine. I am especially fond of "la Combe D'Aves" from Michel Issaly. This is an amazing taste of wine for the price. And the grapes which bore this wine were unknown to me up to this point. I will be back to this shop and gladly receive more recommendations for wines to bring back to my home.

  • R. Eric Swanepoel

    R. Eric Swanepoel


    This guy knows his stuff: Eric was a semi-finalist in the 'Concours du Meilleur Caviste', no less! Passionate about the role of wine in society and extremely knowledgeable, his enthusiasm can't help but rub off on you. He knows the vineyards from which his wine comes and can describe every aspect of it in perfect English as well as French. If you have any interest in wine drop in. Better still, go to one of the tasting events!

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