Le Village de Gif-sur-Yvette

FranceLe Village


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

4, Rue Neuve, 91190, Gif-sur-Yvette, Essonne, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 1 69 28 82 51
site web: hotellevillage.fr
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.7025778, Longitude: 2.1322044

commentaires 5

  • Johnny Guillas

    Johnny Guillas


    Réserver sur booking la chambre n'existait plus. L'hôtel qui voulais pas de moi ou une mauvaise gestion ? Bref j'ai du payer les frais.

  • Riccardo Panicucci

    Riccardo Panicucci


    Non parlano in italiano, pochissimo in inglese. Prezzo basso, ma servizio basso (esempio un asciugamano per due persone). Colazione non provata

  • en

    Benjamin Griffith



  • Michael Martin

    Michael Martin


    Comfortable but small room, nice location in the village. Not fancy at all. No one at the front desk after 8pm, but they give you a code to enter the side door after hours. Breakfast was basic. When we arrived at the end of the breakfast time, the desk person was happy to get us a basic selection of food and drink. Wifi worked. About a ten minute walk from the RER-B station.

  • Mark van Raaij

    Mark van Raaij


    Small hotel in the village centre, economical, basic. No concierge at night. Arrived late for breakfast, but the attendant was nice enough to lay out some things specially for me.

Lodging la plus proche

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