Le Parc des Princes de Paris

FranceLe Parc des Princes


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

24, Rue du Commandant Guilbaud, 75016, Paris, Paris, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 1 47 43 71 71
site web: www.leparcdesprinces.fr
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8414356, Longitude: 2.2530487

commentaires 5

  • Mortadha Bennour

    Mortadha Bennour


    Expansion PSG want to increase the capacity of their home to 60,000 in the coming years, having just completed their latest upgrades in time for the UEFA Euro 2016.As Paris is chosen as host of the 2024 Summer Olympics, PSG might receive a boost in attempt to expand the Parc des Princes by over 10,000 seats. From the start of their ownership at the capital club, Oryx Qatar Sports Investments (QSi) made it clear that a larger stadium is one of the means to establish PSG as one of leading European clubs.

  • Syifaur Rohmah

    Syifaur Rohmah


    the most bigest and greatest stadion i ever seen, very big and having a lot of facility,, located around 30minute from Eiffel Tower

  • en

    Aryaman Chaturvedi


    This place has a brilliant atmosphere and good facilities. Crowds are very well managed

  • Alessio Cantoro

    Alessio Cantoro


    Excellent stadium, one of the best in Europe and not only for the match. Not expensive, feel to seat wherever you want, doors access and services everywhere. Organization around the stadium is an example for the entire Europe

  • Manuela Mukam G.

    Manuela Mukam G.


    The mythical stadium of Paris Saint-Germain. Very well located and served. With a lot of gift shops with manu cool products. There is a lot of security and control outside and inside the stadium, it's reassuring. Small negative point: it is cold in the stadium, even if the general atmosphere heats up.

Stade la plus proche

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