Le Lakanal de Paris

FranceLe Lakanal



🕗 horaire

2, Avenue René Coty, 75014, Paris, Paris, FR Francja
contact téléphone: +33 1 43 27 20 25
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8332607, Longitude: 2.3325214

commentaires 5

  • Stephen Stephan

    Stephen Stephan


    We had the best waiter. Super friendly and funny. He spoke English as well. The food was great and they have a drink happy hour! We were desperate to have a sit down and something to drink so it was perfect.

  • Frédéric DEROIN

    Frédéric DEROIN


    Excellent bar sur Paris. N'a pas hésiter une seconde. Bières fameuses et larges choix. 😉 😊 😁

  • Johannes HJ

    Johannes HJ


    Great place if you want a loud atmosphere and food poisoning. We were four people eating there and all had stomach problems afterwards. We ordered the onion soup as a starter which was fine. The main course was rubberlike ribsteak served with butter knives which made it even more impossible to eat. We also ordered aperol spritz which came in glass tumblers rather than wine glasses.

  • Robert Oliver

    Robert Oliver


    Great place, and they serve food later in the evening. Friendly and helpful staff. Good food.

  • Romain Robin

    Romain Robin


    médiocre! personnels nuls et non avenant surtout pour les nouveaux clients qui arrive du Sud-ouest ! , seul les habitués ont droit a du respect! les autres du mépris ! ? personnes handicapées éviter cette brasserie !!!!!

Restaurant la plus proche

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