Le Grand Café de Lyon à Nice de Nice

FranceLe Grand Café de Lyon à Nice



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33, Avenue Jean MĂ©decin, 06000, Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 4 93 88 13 17
site web: www.cafedelyon.fr
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.702389, Longitude: 7.266672

commentaires 5

  • Rafik Absoud

    Rafik Absoud


    A good place for a drink and some breakfast. Not expensive, with a great view

  • Emmet Ryan

    Emmet Ryan


    Was extremely impressed by the decor...looks like the classic french cafe so I thought I'd drop in for a quick drink. However I was truly shocked by the poor quality of service. Was waiting 20 minutes to order while regulars came and went being served immediately. A thoroughly dreadful customer service experience from start to finish.

  • Emiel van Wegen

    Emiel van Wegen


    We were here for a quick breakfast on a Sunday morning in November. Nice terrace. Lovely sandwich. Bit expensive. We saw one friendly waiter at the other side of the terrace. Around us all other waiters were - well - uninterested or blundly rude... Thus could be a Hotspot - it isn't ...

  • Joanna Hallewell

    Joanna Hallewell


    Terrible service and food inside on restaurant menu. Meat tough and fatty. Worst of French food.

  • Dan P

    Dan P


    Aggressive and angry waiters. One waiter yelled at a customer and told him to learn a new language. The next day, I was placing an order, and ordered toast, but changed my mind and asked for baguette before the waiter left the table. He sucked his teeth and shook his head. He gave me a super dirty look and was furious. Avoid this place at all cost. Not worth the overpriced menu. It's France, so I don't expect great service, but I felt like sub-human trash when I went there.

Café la plus proche

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