Le Grand Action de Paris

FranceLe Grand Action



🕗 horaire

5, Rue des Écoles, 75005, Paris, Paris, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 1 43 54 47 62
site web: www.legrandaction.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8475196, Longitude: 2.352131

commentaires 5

  • Nour Arabi Katbi

    Nour Arabi Katbi


    I love the idea that it's un independent cinéma, i found clean and cozt

  • Aranzazu Aleman

    Aranzazu Aleman


    This places is very small but is nice has a nice theme the lady at the ticket office was so nice plus they have movies in English, it was clean it felt like a really parisinian cinema.

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    Carolanna Foley


    Gorgeous theatre, really comfy seats and old still rooms.

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    Definitely one of my favorite movie theaters in Paris! I like the pictures they print at he back of the ticket, i like the little video they make to remind us to turn off our mobile before the movie starts, I like they put the image of À bout de Souffle on the restroom door, and last but not the least, I love their selection of films!

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    Adeline Schillinger


    After Max Linder, second stop of the best cinema in Paris, with very great repertoire and very nice salle ! The magic of classic cinema is here !

Cinéma la plus proche

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