Laser Game Evolution Grenoble de Grenoble

FranceLaser Game Evolution Grenoble



🕗 horaire

14, Rue Colonel Dumont, 38000, Grenoble, Isère, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 4 76 17 08 50
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.1813953, Longitude: 5.7208814

commentaires 5

  • en

    stéphanie Giglione


    Best place ever for laser tag ^^ super laser game !

  • Shannon Kiernan

    Shannon Kiernan


    So much fun! And you can tell the staff really love their job when they read out the scores with such drama

  • Tanmay Sharma

    Tanmay Sharma


    Interesting...good workout.

  • Hamish Moocow

    Hamish Moocow


    Great place for lazer tag. The area that you play in is a little dark and confusing but makes for great passages and cover. Although the wait between games can be up to 20 minutes, the staff give you a run down of who did well and who killed who at the end. Over all good place as long as you can speak french.

  • Quentin CG

    Quentin CG


    Great place.

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