La Bigouden de Tours

FranceLa Bigouden



🕗 horaire

3, Rue du Grand Marché, 37000, Tours, Indre-et-Loire, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 2 47 64 21 91
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 47.3942924, Longitude: 0.6813127

commentaires 5

  • Julien Pezet

    Julien Pezet


    You should try it, that's really authentic cooking! I took "La Canadienne" and been amazed

  • Shannyn O'Callaghan

    Shannyn O'Callaghan


    One of my top 3 creperies in France. The service was great, even with the language barrier. The menu is huge, with lots of crepes I plan on trying in the future! They've got my recommendation 👍

  • François Valarié

    François Valarié


    Great selection of savoury and sweet Crepes, highly recommended!

  • Екатерина Ермишина

    Екатерина Ермишина


    Lots of crepes (and not only) to try! The staff is also helpful.

  • Jean Sodré

    Jean Sodré


    Authentic and delicious crepes. Quick and friendly service even if the restaurant was packed. Better to make a reservation.

Boulangerie la plus proche

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