La barrière de Clichy de Clichy

FranceLa barrière de Clichy



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1, Rue de Paris, 92110, Clichy, Hauts-de-Seine, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 1 47 37 05 18
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8964333, Longitude: 2.308454

commentaires 5

  • Nicole Reed

    Nicole Reed


    In love! Came here on February 6 and it was so good, we had to come back on February 8. Malika is a very welcoming hostess and the food is wonderful. I had the "signature menu" which featured lobster. I knew I was in for a treat when I tasted the lobster salad with fresh basil. So much flavor. The lobster cassolette was truly wonderful with a nice amount of lobster. The homemade lobster tulip with fricassee and mashed potatoes was exceptional. Dessert was the crème brulee with grand marnier and gingerbread crisp and it was delicious. The second night I started with the escargot which was wonderful. Main course was the rump steak which was very tasty. Crème brulee was so nice, I had to do it twice lol. Very comfortable atmosphere, great food and wine, and Malika is a sweetheart. What more can you ask for? Our new go-to restaurant in Paris.

  • Pascal Marechal

    Pascal Marechal


    Not very well located but really a good experience Nice people Very good cook

  • Stephanie Mitchell

    Stephanie Mitchell


    Would have loved to try this restaurant however they are closed with NO indication I'm their site.

  • Tejas Sherkar

    Tejas Sherkar


    Excellent French food. Good wines. A bit pricey, but the complementaries make up for it.

  • Konstantin Stoilov

    Konstantin Stoilov


    Absolutely fantastic food! Must visit. Friendly and relaxing atmosphere. Perfect service. A place to remember!

Restaurant la plus proche

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