Hotel Novotel Montpellier de Montpellier

FranceHotel Novotel Montpellier



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125 bis, Avenue de Palavas, 34000, Montpellier, Hérault, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 4 99 52 34 34
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.5895299, Longitude: 3.8927064

commentaires 5

  • Jonathan Barber

    Jonathan Barber


    Perfectly reasonable

  • en

    Maria Eva Scheidegger


    Very disappointed!!! Ok that we r in France and all these Stars here r not for Real, i mean when u read 4 stars its not 4. .. its 1 or 2. That its not a Novotel like u know. Its a very bad old hotel with a novotel brand. 119 Euros for nothing. Dont go there.

  • Adaora Elonu

    Adaora Elonu


    It was a good stay. The hotel has a nice feel to it, the staff very nice. Especially the food staff, they had great energy. The rooms were good as well the beds are comfortable. Provides fridge, coffee, tea. The toilet is separate from the bath. Extra space with a coach. Did not experience the bar area, but it had regular customers.

  • David Norris

    David Norris


    Great that there's a swimming pool. Otherwise pretty average. Breakfast was good

  • Sander Stolk

    Sander Stolk


    Very nice hotel with early breakfast. Nice smelling rooms and great helpfull staff. Parking lot secured at night.

Lodging la plus proche

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