Hotel Mayet de Paris

FranceHotel Mayet



🕗 horaire

Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
3, Rue Mayet, 75006, Paris, Paris, FR Francja
contact téléphone: +33 1 47 83 21 35
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8471593, Longitude: 2.318622

commentaires 5

  • bonal pierre

    bonal pierre


    Hôtel sympathique avec une décoration originale. J aime bien cet endroit que je recommande.

  • François B. Photos

    François B. Photos


    Ce petit hôtel 3 étoiles est extrêmement bien situé avec de nombreux transports et restaurants de qualité à proximité ainsi que de nombreux lieux touristiques. Le personnel est efficace et agréable et les chambres sont de qualité. Bon rapport qualité/prix.

  • en

    Jenn Hadlow


    Excellent night staff (we arrived around 6 AM and while we had plans to keep busy until well after check in time, the gentleman kindly offered to check us in as soon as possible so we wouldn't had to wait until regular check in time which was around 3 PM). The room was VERY small, so if you have a lot of luggage, you might struggle for space. Location worked well enough... Not necessarily short strolls to important sights, but we got around just fine walking, via uber, metro or train. If you're passing through with minimal luggage, I'd absolutely recommend this place. If you're planning for a longer stay with a lot of stuff, I'd probably keep looking or opt for a much larger room if they have one (my husband and I stayed in the second smallest type of room).

  • en

    Christopher Karlsson


    The hotel is centrally located, but you'll need to walk around 30 minutes to get to most major landmarks and attractions. The hotel is secure, as you must ring a bell to be let in the building in later hours. Fortunately there is a 24 hour front desk. The room was very small, so if you have a lot of luggage you will be pressed for space. The rooms themselves do have all the amenities you will need. The breakfast is not included, and was on the expensive side, so we did not try it (and thus I cannot comment on it). Overall, it was a great hotel and I would recommend it, especially if you get a good deal on price.

  • Giulia Riello

    Giulia Riello


    Professionali e disponibilissimi. Camera pulita, bagno norme, letto comodissimo. Stanza delle giuste dimensioni per due persone. Comodissima con la metro e vicina alla Tour Eiffel, 20 minuti a piedi fatti ogni sera. Zona bella e tranquilla. Ci ritornerò e lo consiglio. Vicini Starbucks e pasticcerie per la colazione

Mairie la plus proche

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