Hotel ibis Styles Tours Sud de Chambray-lès-Tours

FranceHotel ibis Styles Tours Sud



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La Vrillonnerie RN10, Rue Michaël Faraday, 37170 Chambray-lès-Tours, France
contact téléphone: +33 2 47 80 18 10
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 47.335727, Longitude: 0.6988033

commentaires 5

  • Jaime KL

    Jaime KL


    The room & its in-room amenities, other than the decor, are basically old. There's only a centralized in-room air cooler instead of a/c. A small piece of the baseboard was missing, slow water evacuation from the shower/bath tub - I actually wondered if the hotel's Management has ever gone on a round check of the rooms. On the contrary, the hotel staff is top notch. The receptionist on duty on the evening of our arrival was helpful and a lady staff wearing a black color uniform was exceptionally attentive to the guests at breakfast. I hope that the Management will take note that there's only that much the staff can do; the rooms & the amenities have to be followed up & maintained in good condition. Reason for my 3-star feedback reflects on this lack of maintenance.

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    Philippe BERTON


    À good place for a business trip in the area. Good team, warm welcome.

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    David Barker


    Comfortable rooms, staff is very friendly. They even let me stumble through trying to speak French. Restaurant will not disappoint. Bring your own wash cloth and ice.

  • Fintan Donaghy

    Fintan Donaghy


    Very nice and clean hotel. Hotel restaurant provided a very nice evening meal. Pity that the air conditioning was not working or else I would have given 5 stars.

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    Jonathan Poole


    Room was comfy but was really hot weather and some air con in the room would have helped, staff all friendly and great service at the bar

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