Hôtel Duquesne Eiffel de Paris

FranceHôtel Duquesne Eiffel



🕗 horaire

Lundiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mardiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Mercrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Jeudiouvert 24 heures sur 24
Vendrediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Samediouvert 24 heures sur 24
Dimancheouvert 24 heures sur 24
23, Avenue Duquesne, 75007, Paris, Paris, FR Francia
contact téléphone: +33 1 44 42 09 09
site web: www.hotel-duquesne-eiffel-paris.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8526534, Longitude: 2.3090792

commentaires 5

  • Justin Bush

    Justin Bush


    Very small room... but from what I have seen around it's normal. But, location is perfect, you can see it from right outside. It's like a 5 or 10 min walk to it. and the beds are really comfortable. The staff was very helpful.

  • en

    Dipanjan Ghosh


    Terrible building maintenance condition with water in the bathroom running out from time to time and sink clogging up repeatedly. The size of the room was small, but the layout was worse so that the main door into the room would block the entry to the room and someone would have to maneuver through it to get a suitcase in. Nowhere in the room description it was stated that the toilet would be separately located from the bathroom which was a huge inconvenience with such a small room size. The housekeeping was lousy, didn’t bother to fill up our coffee supplies. The safety locker box was a joke with an antique small metal box with an antique key that could barely hold anything other than passports. The only plus is a nice view of the Eiffel Tower from the window - but given its pretty much visible from anywhere in this neighborhood I would not find that justifiable to pay the premium “Eiffel room” price for such a terrible hotel room. I have stayed in other hotels in the same neighborhood before and I can certainly tell the quality and condition of this hotel is far inferior. Absolutely won’t recommend to anyone else.

  • en

    Amber Creager


    Wonderful Hotel. The room was small but we weren't in our room much. It's a great location centralized in Paris. You can walk to the Eiffel tower, Napoleon's tomb, with plenty of access to the metro and buses to get anywhere. Many restaurants and cafes surrounding the hotel. Had a nice breakfast buffet.

  • es

    Flavia Carbone


    Las habitaciones muy muy chicas.

  • es

    María José de Sas


    El hotel simplemente espectacular. Decorado con muy buen gusto, limpio y acogedor. Excelente servicio, en recepción sumamente amables y atentos a ayudar y explicar en varios idiomas. La ubicación inmejorable a 5 min caminando de la torre Eiffel y una vista desde las habitaciones increíble. Simplemente regresaría y lo recomiendo.

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