Hotel du Collectionneur de Paris

FranceHotel du Collectionneur


pas d'information

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51-57, Rue de Courcelles, 75008, Paris, Paris, FR Francja
contact téléphone: +33 1 58 36 67 00
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8769205, Longitude: 2.3069133

commentaires 5

  • en

    Omar Jimenez


    The service was very helpful and some English well. The lobby had a very upscale and welcoming atmosphere. Rooms are very comfortable and well cleaned

  • Thanh Romano

    Thanh Romano


    Tiện lợi cho khu vực trung tâm Quận 8 Paris, dễ dàng đi bộ ra đại lộ Champs Elysée. Trang trí đẹp, tinh xảo nhưng không xa hoa. Nhân viên phục vụ 24/24h. Điểm trừ duy nhất là cách âm giữa các phòng còn kém. Ngủ không sâu giấc.

  • Julia Harney

    Julia Harney


    Nice hotel, staff helpful, breakfast good, hotel room a little tired, could be cleaner. Rooms are really hot even with the air conditioning on. Had to have window wide open and then room temperature was still 20 and over! Very noisy with window open as the garden side of the hotel amplified all the sounds outside. We also had to share a bed with our 8 year old, not even a camp bed. Sleep has been very disturbed. Room service is very expensive. Location ok but would prefer more central. I would not stay here again.

  • Piotr Mlynski

    Piotr Mlynski


    Bardzo ładny hotel w centrum miasta. Przemiła obsługa ale śniadanie nie zachwyca.

  • fr

    Lachehab Benghezala


    Hôtel très sympa et agréable , le service au top et tout le personnel est au petit soin pour ses clients et dieu sais que nous les avons sollicités pour chacune de nos demandent . Très pros cette hôtel répond parfaitement à la game 5 étoiles . Les chambres sont en fonction des Suites choisies , la literie top , et la vue sur le patio ( jardin ) juste agréable surtout en soirée avec la façade intérieur éclairée .

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