Historical Library of the City of Paris de Paris

FranceHistorical Library of the City of Paris



🕗 horaire

24, Rue Pavée, 75004, Paris, Paris, FR Francia
contact téléphone: +33 1 44 59 29 40
site web: equipement.paris.fr
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.857119, Longitude: 2.36175

commentaires 5

  • Patrice C

    Patrice C



  • nadine fouletier

    nadine fouletier


    Beautiful place to visit. You can spend some time in the library to study, have some tea. And take the time to take a look at the building.

  • en

    For Me


    Quite nice for studying. Beautiful interior, silent atmosphere. Surrounded by attractive place so that you can easily change your mood when you stuck with your work by roam around here. Caffeinated drinks available only 0.5€ at corner of this library.

  • en

    Alan Pembshaw


    Beautifully restored building . The main foyer is worth visiting just to look at the old maps of the city. There is also an excellent reading room which needs an ID card to gain entry.

  • Andrea Cecilia Serge Rodriguez

    Andrea Cecilia Serge Rodriguez


    Beautiful place. I love it. Is the most kind library that I know in Paris. They offer to you free coffee, tea, water, and biscuits. Additionally, is really quite place, perfect for study. Just a little bit boring to leave your stuff in a locker (why?)

Bibliothèque la plus proche

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