Gordon Ramsay au Trianon de Versailles

FranceGordon Ramsay au Trianon



🕗 horaire

1, Boulevard de la Reine, 78000, Versailles, Yvelines, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 1 30 84 50 18
site web: www.trianonpalace.fr
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8110341, Longitude: 2.1202996

commentaires 5

  • Maria Rabara

    Maria Rabara


    It was a good Dinner, the Staff was perfectly coordinated and the pairing wine of our Menu was one of best I have tasted. The Restaurant itself was amazing, beautiful. The food was good, maybe my expectations were a bit too high today be honest. Nevertheless, Schatzi was still very content.

  • G C

    G C


    Excellent staff White wine glass is not cold Generous portions

  • Sam Hatami

    Sam Hatami


    An amazing restaurant, every single dish is delicious. Great wine. The service is excellent.

  • Fabio Tani

    Fabio Tani


    Great service, staff was helpful and made sure we had the best experience, the food was excellent for the most part, the only thing we did not like was a specific cut of meat which had a different taste that did not suit our palate. Enormous wine selection, and they will go out of their way to make sure you have the best experience, delicious food and excellent service makes this an experience to try, at least once in your lifetime. The view is also nice.

  • Hanna Grannis

    Hanna Grannis


    Amazing! Hands down one of the coolest restaurants I've ever been to! It was dinner and a show!

Restaurant la plus proche

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