Franprix de Paris




🕗 horaire

99, Rue Saint-Dominique, 75007, Paris, Paris, FR Frankreich
contact téléphone: +33 800 35 00 00
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8594802, Longitude: 2.3067296

commentaires 5

  • Esme Jay

    Esme Jay


    Great selection of fresh produce! I’m a high raw vegan and I often have trouble accessing really amazing stuff to eat - but this store was perfect for my needs! :-)

  • Manon Erkel

    Manon Erkel


    Un franprix très acceuillant comme celui a la rue du champs de mars.

  • Ashley G

    Ashley G


    I visit almost everyday as it’s the closest to me. Much better than Carrefour across the street in terms of lines and wait times. They also offer more ready made food (sandwiches, pastries). They have a salad bar, soup station, bio/nuts and a vinaigrette refill service. There isn’t as much selection, but I always go here first just because there is hardly a wait and their staff are nicer (than Carrefour). So far I’ve only encountered one rude member of staff but I try to avoid getting him. Everyone is else is pretty helpful, and despite them always, always being out of 1.5 liters of Volvic, they’re my go to grocery store.

  • fr

    jean-baptiste rivollier


    Malheureusement ne prend plus en charge les tickets resto dematerialisés, dommage

  • fr

    Blake Edwards


    Tout pourri. Bien qu'il y ait des caméras de surveillance dans ce magasin, dès qu'un Noir avec blouson & casquette entre dans ce magasin, suspicion, méfiance jusqu'à ce tu ailles en caisse ... En clair, le Noir passe toujours pour un voleur dans ce genre de magasin... Fait pitié, franchement.

Supermarché la plus proche

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