Crêperie Saint Georges i Toulouse

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FrankrigCrêperie Saint Georges



🕗 åbningstider

7, Place Saint-Georges, 31000, Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, FR France
kontakter telefon: +33 5 62 27 04 34
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Latitude: 43.6018929, Longitude: 1.4472825

kommentar 5

  • Beat A. Schwendimann

    Beat A. Schwendimann


    Fast and friendly service. The waiter spoke English and French. The savory and sweet crêpes were delicious. Good location at St George Square.

  • Christina Lay

    Christina Lay


    Just okay - fine if you're looking for a quick place to eat outside, but there are far better crepes you can find in the city. The crepes themselves are a little bit soggy and the filling inside is a bit bland. Lots of choices but I've been here twice and thought it was just so-so. The best one I've had so far is the praline dessert crepe.

  • Abi Knee

    Abi Knee


    Beautiful location, friendly staff and DELICIOUS food at an excellent price. The cider was delicious and a very generous amount of lardons on the salad!

  • Javier Holguera

    Javier Holguera


    I ordered L'Espagnole. It only tasted to onions and the crepe itself was bland. Disappointing

  • en

    Bruce Trevarrow


    Gave us food with glass in it and the wine was corked. Couldn't get anyone's attention for an hour to warn about the glass. Bad service. Recommend this place to your enimies.

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