Council of Toulouse de Toulouse

FranceCouncil of Toulouse



🕗 horaire

1, Place du Capitole, 31000, Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 5 61 22 29 22
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.6043559, Longitude: 1.4441392

commentaires 5

  • æŽć­æ…ˆ



    This is my first time to Europe, it is difficult to imagine this is the city hall rather than the museum, incredible

  • en

    Lore Sign


    Placed at the heart of the city, place has a worthy architecture outside. internals visit, although is not charged, should be improved. Tourist has very little and confused directions about artworks.

  • en

    yuni jung


    Beautiful place, great Toulousain artist Henri Martin's post impressionism works can be found here!

  • Enrique Pompa

    Enrique Pompa


    It is a great option to start your tour through the city. There is free access to it. La poste is around the corner. A tourists affair office behind it. If you are considering to visit toulouse, don't consider it. Visit this city.

  • Rory Clements

    Rory Clements


    It is free! You will think at first the building is personal only until you notice toirosts coming out. The guards on the door are there to do a quick bag check and then you are in. Inside you will be greeted to awesome architecture and huge wall and ceiling paintings. Building dating back to the 1600's. Highly recommended!

Mairie la plus proche

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