Cluny Museum - National Museum of the Middle Ages de Paris

FranceCluny Museum - National Museum of the Middle Ages


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6, Place Paul Painlevé, 75005, Paris, Paris, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 1 53 73 78 00
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.8504833, Longitude: 2.3440808

commentaires 5

  • Sarah Monnier

    Sarah Monnier


    This place was wonderful! It was under renovation when I was there but the building itself is beautiful and the displays inside are fascinating. The tapestries are beautiful and there was a lovely exhibit on medieval stained glass that even my three year old really enjoyed. It felt like a hidden jewel in Paris. Even though we were there at a high season and everything else was packed, this place had no line at security and felt fairly empty. It was beautiful and well worth the visit.

  • Andrew Woodrow-Butcher

    Andrew Woodrow-Butcher


    Under extensive renovation 01/2018, so only parts of the museum and collection were open to the public. Roman baths and artifacts are very interesting but the exhibitions provide insufficient context/information about them. A very artifact-driven museum experience overall, which doesn't really manage to connect the artifacts to each other, the site, or history more generally. But perhaps the renovations will be an opportunity to address this! Still a worthwhile 1.5 hours if you are in the area.

  • Yevgeniy Khislavskiy

    Yevgeniy Khislavskiy


    Excellent medieval museum with an thoughtful presentation of objects as well as history of the building itself sprinkled throughout. It does not seem like there is ever a wait. Definitely worth a visit.

  • Natalia Ekisheva

    Natalia Ekisheva


    This is a great museum. Your visit should not take too long but the journey through medieval exposition is pleasant and thoughtful. The objects of everyday life are accompanied with practical uses and examples in paintings/books/other art. The setting is pretty spectacular as well and stained glass pieces are up close for viewers examination. We experienced no wait time.

  • Dan Keshet

    Dan Keshet


    With so many famous art museums in Paris, it would be easy to overlook the Cluny. But there's a lot of great art in here! The Lady and the Unicorn is a fantastic collection of tapestries of a lady, a unicorn, and an oft-forgotten lion. Each tapestry is enormous and detailed, with an explanation in a number of languages. A bunch of other great medieval art in here as well.

Musée la plus proche

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