Citotel Les Alizés de Eysines

FranceCitotel Les Alizés


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15, Avenue de Saint-MĂ©dard, 33200, Eysines, Gironde, FR Francja
contact téléphone: +33 5 56 28 36 52
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 44.8607965, Longitude: -0.6368545

commentaires 5

  • fr

    Christophe Dupuy


    Vieux mais propre




    No tienen agua caliente las 24h. Ducharse es toda una abentura. El peor hotel en el que e dormido.

  • Rudolph BOULON

    Rudolph BOULON


    Suffisant. Un peu vieillot, propre. Bonne literie, eau sanitaire ok. Petit déjeuner simple.

  • bruno poussin

    bruno poussin


    Petit hÎtel sans prétention qui fait l affaire pour une étape sur bordeaux. Personnel trÚs gentil un plus et tarif abordable .

  • Cynthia Li

    Cynthia Li


    Impossible to avoid the smell of tobacco smoke. However, staff is very friendly, and was very helpful even though I don't speak French. Rooms are sparse but clean. Breakfast is available for approximately ten euros a day, but a good bakery is less than ten minutes walk away. Bus stop just across the street for number three bus, which will take you right into the downtown area. Very relaxing stay.

Lodging la plus proche

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