Church of Saint Ferréol - Augustinians de Marseille

FranceChurch of Saint Ferréol - Augustinians


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9, Rue Reine Elisabeth, 13001, Marseille, Bouches-du-Rhône, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 4 91 90 26 69
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 43.2962848, Longitude: 5.374436

commentaires 5

  • Yanjun Wang

    Yanjun Wang






    Idéalement située sur le vieux port non loin d'une sortie de métro. A ne pas manquer.

  • en

    Jean Ramos


    Our free time during a local tour landed us about a block from the church of St Ferreol. My husband & I walked towards it to go in for a brief visit. We usually do this when we see a Catholic Church, a chapel, a basilica or a cathedral wherever we are in every chance we get just to pay our respects & say a prayer or two of thanksgiving, As we enter, the bell started ringing, the usual sign of a mass celebration to start. How fortunate of us to be right there as 3 priests co officiated the mass. Needless to say, we stayed for the whole service feeling grateful & so blessed. This particular church is so simple but beautiful & grand.

  • Luciano Serra

    Luciano Serra


    Piccola chiesina proprio sul porto vecchio di Marsiglia, la cala intorno alla quale si è formata la città, adessoun porto di plaisance, pieno di natanti privati di piccole dimensioni, mentre il vero porto si è trasferito a nord ovest con moli e banchine costruiti appositamente. Il vecchio porto resta ilcuore del turismo e delle attività commerciali, con negozi e ristoranti.

  • Kevin Sorensen

    Kevin Sorensen


    This is a beautiful church with an amazing front.

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