Casino Barrière i Nice

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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FrankrigCasino Barrière



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1, Promenade des Anglais, 06000, Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, FR France
kontakter telefon: +33 4 97 03 12 22
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.6951689, Longitude: 7.2657321

kommentar 5

  • Aleksandras Bulis

    Aleksandras Bulis


    Have to win 35e lucky day

  • Joost Buskermolen

    Joost Buskermolen


    What looks promising from the outside, is the complete opposite from the inside. Didn't bother to spend my money there, what a joke. Not at all what you would expect from such location.

  • David Pegasus

    David Pegasus


    Saw them take $25 dls after poker hand was over. Such a rip-off. Dealers do not like foreigners especially Americans

  • en

    Jr Miller


    Give it a pass. 50/50 on the staff, that's generous. Despite your level of play, you even have to pay for soft drinks. Seriously limited games, with only three table games available, Three table games should tell you all you need to know! Total fun killers that attack anyone being even slightly exuberant. Far too many staff treat you like they are doing you a favor by being there. Better options and service at a Denny's or McDonalds in Las Vegas than a casino in Nice. Ok dozens of one armed bandits and staff don't factor in. Poker cash game players don't even make a serious effort to hide their signals. Waste of time and money. In my opinion it isn't even worth considering it as an activity option. On the bright side there are no other midnight options in the city and at least half their staff are incredibly nice.

  • en

    Anna Sierra


    It's a very small but nice enough casino to pass some time in. No smoking inside which is always a plus. The roulette table is by far the busiest section.

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