Café Rohan de Strasbourg

FranceCafé Rohan



🕗 horaire

10, Place du Marché-aux-Cochons-de-Lait, 67000, Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 3 88 22 28 97
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.5803153, Longitude: 7.7513812

commentaires 5

  • Said Tahsin Dane

    Said Tahsin Dane


    Ordered cappuccino. It was definitely not a cappuccino. In fact it was one of the worst coffees I've ever had.

  • Jürg Ritter

    Jürg Ritter


    Don't know about the quality of food and drinks because we left after ten minutes of waiting without being served.

  • en

    Abrar Dada


    Not recommended.. food is terrible , Description in the menu is not exactly what u get 😅!!

  • en

    Lyn Mason


    Avoid. Avoid. Avoid. Boss doesn't like customers to be happy. He would rather lose business than allow them to sit where they want to. We left because we were not allowed to sit beside each other and enjoy the view of the square; if we wanted to stay, we had to sit opposite each other. Restaurant was not busy. There were plenty of spare seats so no excuses there!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Marilyn Briand

    Marilyn Briand


    We ordered food. Only received a beer. They left us the tab without even saying anything. Horrible!

Restaurant la plus proche

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