Café des Arts de Versailles

FranceCafé des Arts



🕗 horaire

5, Rue d'Anjou, 78000, Versailles, Yvelines, FR France
contact téléphone: +33 1 39 50 84 70
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 48.7973787, Longitude: 2.1253919

commentaires 5

  • Romain Blanchard

    Romain Blanchard


    Good traditional French cuisine, reasonably priced. Highly recommended.

  • en

    Francesca Trainer


    Amazing dinner at this very popular French restaurant! The waiters all made an effort to translate the menu for us and made us feel very welcome. I had entrecÎte and fries followed by a creme brûlée! These were delicious and just what I craved. Very cheap and great atmosphere. Thank you

  • Takumitsu Akutsu

    Takumitsu Akutsu


    I really enjoyed dinner here! Great service and foods

  • Dallas Brimhall

    Dallas Brimhall


    Great place to eat. Easy atmosphere, wonderful service and the food was fantastic. My wife tried escargot for the first time and loved it.

  • Sean Kennedy

    Sean Kennedy


    Our second time to this lovely gem! The menu is not large, but everything is high quality and the welcome and service is warm and friendly. The prices are very reasonable, and the selection of wine complements the proposed plates. Reservations highly recommended.

Café la plus proche

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